Sunday, 25 September 2011

Command and Demand

Church-going in Stornoway is both part of its culture and popular. Many people respond to the command to observe the Sabbath and the demand for places of worship is high. Details are to be found on a webpage of the Stornoway Historical Society and are intriguing for they reflect enthusiasms and endeavours, schisms and subtle differences. The Free Church in Kenneth Street (above) attracts the largest congregations in the town, while the Free Presbyterian Church in Matheson Road (below) holds services at similar times, but with a slightly different, resolutely-held, emphasis.  Add in the groups that have recently split from both of these sects, then count the Church of Scotland, Episcopalian Church, Roman Catholic, Baptist, Salvation Army, Christian Brethren, New Wine, Jehova's Witnesses, Church of the Latter Day Saints and you have insufficient fingers.

Scottish Islands Explorer - tries to count

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