Friday, 7 December 2012

Being Controversial

I am going to be controversial here, but why is it that a headteacher of a Gaelic-medium school in Inverness has not been recruited after three years? Investment has been made on promoting the Gaelic language during the past decade and I am sure that the salary for this attractive-sounding appointment is quite mouth-watering. Is it the same reason why successive British governments have spent billions of pounds on education budgets and yet so many students appear unable to read, write or calculate effectively. Taxpayers are not, it seems, getting value in these areas. Over to you, Socrates!

Scottish Islands Explorer - tries to give value for money spent

1 comment:

  1. I don't know the issues at this particular school but UK headteachers in general are difficult to recruit and retain. What should be a wonderfully fulfilling job for an experienced, successful teacher has simply become too stressful. Unrealistic targets,relentless change, lack of support and respect are all taking their toll.
