Monday, 25 February 2013

Way-out Uplifting

In 1689 Alexander MacLeod was returning from St Kilda when a storm swept him from those islands, 41 miles off-shore, to North Rona, the most isolated island in Britain, 44 miles off-shore, ever to have been permanently settled. He, his wife, and crew discovered that the residents had all died from an epidemic. It was suggested to MacLeod, then about 30 years old, that he use his renowned strength to lift a stone into a prominent place in order to mark this significant event. He did so and consequently a landmark was created. The stone, called Ultach Fear Hiort - St Kildan's Lift - apparently stood the test of time, despite the ferocious winds that strike that island. However, where on North Rona is it? The image above is of the remains of the village with, perhaps, the St Andrew's University Researchers' Hut, and certainly the light installation beyond. Martin Martin published the story in 1703. Please supply the specific location 310 years later.

Scottish Islands Explorer - likes pinpointing stones as well as settlements


  1. David & Margaret Gartside25 February 2013 at 04:07

    This is a test indeed. I have fiund a map showing several piles of stones, but none of them named.
    "Island Going" by Robert Atkinson, makes no apparent mention of this stone.
    We await the answer with interest?

  2. The Rona people took their surnames from the colours of the sky, rainbow and clouds.
