Friday, 18 October 2013

Land Beneath the Waves

Here's an interesting one. Tiree looks good, especially in its empty quarter (above). However it is not (and looks as such) a broadband hub and connections can be slow. For some reason, Land Beneath the Waves - Tech Tiree Wave attracts enthusiasts (below) to the island and the next meeting is on Friday 8 November. It's described in The Oban Times as 'a shelter from the busy outside world' but then surely internet enthusiasts are setting the new agendas to create a world of busyness as well as business? To follow this convoluted matter, keep on coming back!

Scottish Islands Explorer - likes to be in the forefront, on the internet

1 comment:

  1. David & Margaret Gartside19 October 2013 at 00:19

    From Spain,

    Thanks for an evocative start to the day down here. What a life that was.
