Monday, 18 January 2016

Fourth Time

Gairsay, in Orkney, had a population of 71 in 1871 which fell to 3 by 2011. It is 593 acres in extent and 335' at its highest point.

There is a pier in Millburn Bay that is protected by the main island on one side and the Hen of Gairsay on the other.

There has been a house some half-mile to the west, at Langskaill, from early times that was lavishly developed by Sir William in the 17th Century. It fell into decay until new owners renovated it, but after the Second World War it was abandoned.

The present owners purchased the island 1971 and the house, constructed for the fourth time, is pictured above with its private jetty, The Taing.

Scottish Islands Explorer - develops gradually

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