Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Fund Raising

A sea-stack; an uninhabited islet; a distant island and some matching cloud formations make up this fascinating image of the St Kilda archipelago. The National Trust for Scotland is making an appeal for funds to care for the dual World Heritage Site and its outlined on the BBC website.

Scottish Islands Explorer - more written about St Kilda than other islands
Digital Edition: discover more within seconds


  1. David Gartside21 June 2016 at 09:55

    But has Boreray always been uninhabited??? I seem to recall some discoveries a year or two since, which indicated some seasonal residence there with lazy beds and primitive shelters? Any more up to date information from anyone please?

    A wonderful, forbidding island to sail close alongside. I would love to land there some time.

  2. There is a relatively new book, published in 2015, called'St Kilda: The Last and Outmost Isle". It includes a description, and some incredible photos, of an excavation/expedition to Boreray in 2010.

  3. David & Margaret Gartside23 June 2016 at 14:13

    Thanks Marc. I will look it up. Thanks also for your own blog which we follow with interest and appreciation,
