Monday, 22 August 2016

The Rhenigidale Road

Here's Kenny MacKay in a typical welcoming way at his village, Rhenigidale, in North Harris. He was born in 1935 and has devoted much of his life to bringing innovations to a settlement that did not have a maintained, metalled road until the late 1980s. In fact, it was linked only by footpaths and sea-routes; had one wireless-based telephone; a school with one pupil; and a Gatliff Hostel to encourage visitors to make the trek. He has now written a book about his community's fight for survival over past centuries and its flourishing in the 21st Century. Read about it in the West Highland Free Press account by Fiona Rintoul.

Scottish Islands Explorer - a full-page feature on the book in the current issue
Digital Edition: available in Rhenigidale thanks to the broadband connection

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