Saturday, 14 April 2012

Seawall and Sea-mark

Fladda - from the Old Norse for 'flat island' -  is in the Sound of Luing and close to Belnahua. It has a seawall that is, in places, up to 30' high and as wide as 15'. It was constructed at the time of the lighthouse building, 1860, and remains, of course, under constant threat of erosion by the elements and the sea. This aerial view, coutesy of Nigel Callaghan, indicates something of why this is a local, well-known sea-mark

Scottish Islands Explorer - engages with landmarks and sea-marks

1 comment:

Don Ritchie said...

The keepers lived on the island and needed a flat area to feed and grow food,hence the wall to hold soil.
Winter storms and wind against tide meant that the island was in serious danger of being swept by huge waves generated in this area of very strong tidal currents, 7 to eight knots easily. Don the yachter