Sunday, 6 May 2012

Rockall for Royal

Coronation Day 1953 was also the occasion when the news came through that Mount Everest had been climbed for the first time and by a British Expedition. The Royal Jubilee Weekend 2012 may well bring news of the Rockall Jubilee Expedition and a landing on the islet. Read about the aspirations of Nick Hancock (pictured below by the Stornoway Gazette) and his team. He looks forward to making a subsequent attempt on the record for living / existing / surviving on this most remote piece of land within the United Kingdom's territorial waters.

Scottish Islands Explorer - covering many remote rocks

1 comment:

Richard Evans said...

Bben Fogle attempted to ascend Rockall in 2005. He said "I may have touched Rockall but it is untouched by me and, for now, it remains a realm of the sea, a kingdom governed only by the weather".

One more attempt to get on Rockall Ben left behind a Post-it note reading "This belongs to Ben" attached with duct tape.